Internet of Things, a.a. 2018/2019


Instructor: Prof.ssa Chiara Petrioli

Office: Via Salaria 113, terzo piano, stanza 311

Tel: 06 4991 8354


Office hours: please send me an e-mail to set up an appointment.

Classes: Monday and Thursday 10.30-13.00, aula 2 (aule L di ingegneria, Via del Castro Laurenziano 7, main campus).

Textbook: we will use chapters of books and scientific papers (which will be listed below, together with the slides from the classes, as we go on...)

Instructor Assistant: Dr. Georgia Koutsandria


Results of Jan/Feb session are on line. All students needing to complete the exam and/or to register the exam have last chance for the year in Feb (partial results maintained only until then). Please contact by email the instructor if you are in such situation.

Results of the sessione straordinaria are now on line.

The C++ votes will last the whole year so students who passed C++ but not the rest of the exam will be able to do the complete exam and pass the exam in the next exam sessions.

Students with a mark of 29 or 30 can contact Prof. Chiara Petrioli by email for a possible question to get 30 or 30L.

For those who did not manage to complete during class the student questionnaire (course evaluation) you are kindly requested to complete it today May 23rd. The OPIS code for cyber security students is YYYXRWLA and the Computer Science code is W43W2E7


On Thursday April 4th after usual timing of the class there will be an additional hour of interactive discussion of topics covered during these classes, in preparation of the midterm (so the class will extend for up to another hour).

  • Lab classes
The Internet of Things course will include introductory lectures to the C++ programming language and to the GreenCastalia simulator. No previous programming experience is required, though prior experience will make it easier. Hands-on programming exercises will be part of these lectures. First class on C++ will be March 7th.

Please bring your laptop to class.

You may use any C++ compiler, on any operating system to create your own programs.
For Windows machines: You will need to install a C++ compiler, such as the Dev-C++ compiler (free software). You can learn more about it at <a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"></a>
If you are a Mac user: The easiest thing to do is to install Xcode which comes bundled with a C++ compiler.
If you are using Linux: Your operating system probably came with GCC.

For the GreenCastalia (GC) lectures, you will need to install the GC simulator on your laptop.

To install the GC simulator on your laptop (without the VM) you can follow the instructions at <a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"></a>
You will need to install Castalia and OMNET++ prior.
Castalia: <a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"></a>
OMNET++ (recommended version 4.6): <a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"></a>

We strongly recommend that you use a Unix-based machine. We have created a virtual machine which gives you the option to use Linux (Ubuntu in particular) within Windows. In order to use the VM, it is required to install the VirtualBox software. You can find more info at <a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"></a>

The link for downloading the VM with the GC simulator already installed on it, is now available.

You can download the VM from:
<a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"></a>
How to import the VM into the VirtualBox:
- Start the VirtualBox already installed on your laptop.
- In the File menu, select Import Appliance; Click Choose and browse to the location containing the .ova file of the VM you downloaded.

- Click Import; Once the VM is imported, click the Start button to verify that the VM works.

AFC. There is the possibility for the students passing well the IoT exam (at least 28/30) to do an extra project and hands on or research experience with Prof. Chiara Petrioli to get the credits for the Attività Formativa Complementare.

As an alternative there is also the possibility to do the AFC on hands on IoT experience with F. Angeletti and M. Martinelli even if the class hours (due to lack of participation of students in the first classes) were canceled (there is still the option to be followed for projects). For the latter option please contact the instructors (Angeletti/Martinelli) directly.


The course will make students aware of the challenges behind the design, implementation and field use of Wireless system, Sensing systems and the Internet of Things. The course will present both the theoretical foundations and practical aspects you need to know to develop such systems. Hands on lab experiences are associated to the course. In addition there is a AFC (attività formatica complementare) on embedded and Internet of Things systems that is envisioned to be siding the course and is highly recommended, in addition to the Internet of Things class, to those students wanting to master the subject.

The course will cover the following topics:

Part 1, Prerequisites

Fundamentals of wireless systems (DONE)

Fundamental of ad hoc and cellular networks (DONE)

Part 2, Internet of Things Core

Internet of Thigs applications, architectures, enabling technologies and protocols (DONE)

Part 3, Emerging Technological Trends in Internet of Things

Wake Up Radio, energy harvesting, ... (DONE)

Blockchain and ledger technologies for Internet of Things (DONE)

Machine learning for Internet of Things systems (DONE)

Part 4, From technologies to Applications

Internet of Things for smart planet and smart cities: practical examples of how to put the pieces together to implement real systems (SOME EXAMPLES)

Transversal Topics

Performance evaluation of Internet of Things systems (DONE)

How to model, what to model (DONE)

Simulators for Internet of Things systems: Green Castalia (DONE)

How to move from an idea to a validated idea to a solution (CORE DONE)

Lab: The course provides also some lectures on C++ tailored to what needed to program simulatiors on Internet of Things systems. (DONE)


How to get a background on networking if I don't have any? (for students who have never attended a computer networking class)

Kurose, Ross Book "Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach" is a very good undergrad book you should be able to find in the libaray (it is used for our computer networking class at undergrad level) providing background material you might need. In particular you may want to understand the concept of components of a network (hosts, routers, transmission media), a background on performance metrics as well as on layering (chapter 1). You can skip chapter 2 on applications. Chapters on transport protocols, routing and medium access control are easy to read and provide the needed material for more advanced networking classes. The rest of the book (chapters on security, multimedia, wireless) can be skipped.

Course material

Book chapters, articles

These book chapter refer to what can be consulted or read to deepen into the slide material.

Introduction to wireless systems (lessons 1 and 2)

P.Mohana Shankar "Introduction to Wireless Systems', Wiley 2002. Cap 1, 2

Andres Garcia-Saavedra, Pablo Serrano, Albert Banchs, Giuseppe Bianchi: Energy consumption anatomy of 802.11 devices and its implication on modeling and design. <a href=";nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="CoNEXT (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> CoNEXT </a> 2012: 169-180

N. Balasubramanian, A. Balasubramanian, A. Venkataramani “Energy consumption in mobile phones: A Measurement Study and Implications for Network Applications”, ACM IMC 2009.

Introduction to cellular systems and from 2G to 5G.

For italian students, on GSM: O. Berazioli, L. Favalli "GSM-GPRS", second edition, Hoepli. Chapters 2.1,2.2,2.3, chapter 5, chapter 6 (from 6.4 on), chapter 8, chapter 11, chapter on GPRS/EDGE and 3G systems As an alternative in english you can find several books covering the topic. For instance chapter on GSM.

Fundamental of ad hoc/mesh networks.

DSDV protocol:

OSLR protocol: see the Request for Comment describing the protocol (as part of the IETF MANET Working Group activities), available here:

(exercise of reading an RFC: start from the beginning, get at the bbeginning the general idea, skip details such as multi-interface, focus on hello messages and 2 hop neighborhood discovery, MPR selection, TD message exchange, skip the details in the second half; when you get the idea reread from the neginng again these parts. When reading an RFC you need to learn how to skip sections, how to get only the important details, fast going though 80-100 pages)

AODV protocol: It is recommended that you read the original paper (skipping experimental results section). You can find the paper here

For details and doubts you can also consult the associated RFC (non mandatory RFC

Another possible use of RFCs is simply as reference to double-check some details you don't have clear. You are also encouraged to make this use of extra material made available through RFCs.

DSR protocol (skip experimental results and start from the protocol description):

GeRaF protocol (only description of the protocol, that you can find here):

ALBA protocol:

For low power MAC protocols, IEEE 802.15.4, 6 LowPan (and in general for material to read on the second part of the course-typically scientific papers or whitepapers) information on the articles to read (only for technical solution description) and on the standards/whitepapers to read are included directly in the slides (before each solution description). As Sapienza students you have access to the ACM and IEEE digital libraries and can download the papers (you need to be connected to Sapienza network). Material is typically available also on the web (do a good search with the name of the protocol and paper and you should be able to find it).


Lessons 1 and 2 (feb 28th and march 4th) 2019: Introduction to wireless systems. Reading material. Book chapter: P. Mohana Shankar "Introduction to Wireless Systems", John Wiley & Sons, chapter 2 "propagation characteristics of wireless channels". Articles: 1) N. Balasubramanian, A. Balasubramanian, A. Venkataramani “Energy consumption in mobile phones: A Measurement Study and Implications for Network Applications”, ACM IMC 2009 2) Andres Garcia-Saavedra, Pablo Serrano, Albert Banchs, Giuseppe Bianchi: Energy consumption anatomy of 802.11 devices and its implication on modeling and design. CoNEXT2012: 169-180 Slides:
: Introduzione1_1_2018_2019_en_lez1_2_compressed.pdf

Lesson 3 (march 7th): Introduction to C++ programming
: IoT _2018_2019_Cpp_PartI_compressed.pdf

IoT_IntroductionToCpp_recap_exer_compressed.pdf: IoT _IntroductionToCpp_recap_exer_compressed.pdf

Lesson 4 (march 11th): Introduction to cellular systems: Design and Planning
: GSM_2018_2019_part1_compressed.pdf

Lesson 5 (march 14th): C++ lab, functions and arrays IoT_2018_2019I_Cpp_PartII_compressed.pdf: IoT _2018_2019I_Cpp_PartII_compressed.pdf

Lesson 6 and 8 (march 18th and 25th): Introduction to cellular systems: architecture and procedures of GSM.
: GSM_2018_2019_part2_compressed.pdf (lesson 6) and
: GSM_2018_2019_part3b_compressed.pdf (lesson 8)

Lesson 7 and 9 (march 21st and 28th): C++ lab IoT_IntroductionToCpp_PartIII_compressed.pdf: IoT _IntroductionToCpp_PartIII_compressed.pdf

IoT_IntroductionToCpp_PartIV_compressed.pdf: IoT _IntroductionToCpp_PartIV_compressed.pdf

Lesson 10 (april 1st 2019): Introduction to peer to peer "ad hoc" wireless networks; CSMA/CA and distribuited TDMA schemes; MANET routing protocols: proactive (DSDV, OSLR); AdHoc_2018_2019-en_compressed.pdf: AdHoc _2018_2019-en_compressed.pdf (disregard the part of the slides following the ones on OLSR as they have not yet covered)

Lesson 11 (april 3rd 2019): Introduction to performance evaluation and simulation. Green Castalia. Interactive discussion on topics so far covered in class.

The part of the class on Green Castalia is described below:

Lesson 12 (april 8th 2019): Midterm and midterm interactive correction;

Lesson 13 (april 15th 2019): Reactive MANET routing protocols (AODV,DSR); geographic routing protocols (Dream, LAR); concept of cross-layering and hierarchical routing protocols; example of geographic cross layering protocols for IoT (GeRaF and ALBA); techniques to provide device localization in environments where GPS cannot be applied (ranging techniques, multi-lateration; range-free approaches).
ALBA_18_19_extra_short.pdf: ALBA_18_19_extra_short.pdf HowToReadMaterial_2019.pdf: HowToReadMaterial _2019.p AdHoc_2018_2019_lesson2_compressed.pdf: AdHoc _2018_2019_lesson2_compressed.pdf

(How to read material provides some suggestions on how to approach articles and standards in the study)

Lesson 14 (april 29th 2019): Network Simulations. The Green Castalia simulator. IoT_2018_2019_SystemPerformanceEvaluation_compressed_1.pdf: IoT _2018_2019_SystemPerformanceEvaluation_compressed_1.pdf

Lesson 15 (May 2nd 2019): Low power MAC protocols for IoT (S-MAC, T-MAC, B-MAC, X-MAC, WiseMAC); Architecture of IoT systems; IoT standards: IEEE 802.15.4 and introduction to 6lowPAN. MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez1.pdf: MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez1.pdf

Lesson 16 (May 6th 2019): 6LowPan, Collection Tree Protocol, RPL (routing protocol identified by 6LowPan). Overview of the challenges and steps to tackle to design an IoT system and on what it means to innovate in this field. MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez2_compressed.pdf: MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez2_compressed.pdf

May 8th 2019: Midterm tests.

Lesson 18 and 19 (May 9th and May 20th 2019): Examples of IoT applications.Energy Harvesting enabled IoT systems. Pro-Energy, energy-harvesting aware mission allocation, green routing. (end of the first of the two lessone) IoT systems with wake up radio. Protocols: Flood WUP, Green WUP, ALBA WUP. Use of these concepts in on going standardization. IoT Techologies. MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez3e4_compressed.pdf: MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez3e4_compressed.pdf IoT_Technologies_final.pdf: IoT _Technologies_final.pdf

Lesson 20 (May 16th 2019): How machine learning can help optimizing IoT systems. IoT_2018_2019_ReinforcementLearning_compressed.pdf: IoT _2018_2019_ReinforcementLearning_compressed.pdf

Lesson 21 (May 23rd morning): Blockchain technologies for IoT IOTA_masterclass-academic-talk-sapienza-finalv2.pdf: IOTA_masterclass-academic-talk-sapienza-finalv2.pdf Blockchain_Technologies_review.pdf: Blockchain_Technologies_review.pdf

Lesson 22 (May 23rd afternoon): LoRa technologies. Putting everything together. Demos on IoT applications.

Lesson 23 (May30th). Final exam.


We will have a midterm on April 8th (on topics covered through April 1st, EXCLUDED the part on ad hoc networking, so in terms of materials the pdf already available related to casses 1-9) during the class hours and a final written exam on May 30th (on the remaining topics, excluding the lab). The midterm will have two separate sections on the main course material and on C++. It will be possible to pass one of the two parts of the midterm.

Rules: If a student passes at least one of the (midterm/final) tests he/she will be allowed to take the missing one in the June/July exam sessions. In such sessions it will also be possible to take a complete written exam on the topics covered during the course.

In the fall and winter exam sessions students will have to take the complete written exam to pass the class.

Students attending the Green Castalia lab (which requires to first get needed background, part of the course, on C++) will have the opportunity (it will not be mandatory) to take an exam associated to it to get up to 3 extra points. The exam will be at the end of the lab. Students attending the theory seminars will have the opportunity to do a modeling project, or to investigate a particular research topic not covered during classe for up to 3 extra points (maximum 4 extra points overall). The possibility to take extra credits with modeling/article reading is reserved to students passing the midterm or final with at least 27/30 on the main part of the exam (main class material).

Extra points and associated lab/theory exam sessions will be possible only if students pass the exam in the June/July session, or through midterm and final.


Jan/Feb exams:

The following students have not passed the exam: 1822307, 1817420,1873464,1826530,1799271

October 2019 results:

Written exam

1213514 28/30

1612345 NO

1799271 NO

Lab exam

1612345 5/8


Midterm results are now available. Results have been graded separately for the written exam (corrected with a max possible mark of 24) and

the lab part (max mark 8 plus 2 bonus points). INSUFF means that the lab was not sufficient; NC that the student asked not to grade.

As for the written exam NO SBARR means that the first set of questions was not sufficient. NO means that

despite the exam was not passed the first set of questions was sufficiently asnwered (this info is useful for students to self-evaluate their knowledge at the time they took the midterm).

In bold the final mark of those who have already passed both parts of the exam. Those who have passed (or will pass) both parts with a mark greater or equal to 27/30 will have the opportunity to do the second half of the exam according to a different type of exam.

Student ID Written exam (out of 24) PART I, Lab PART II(Bonus) Mark, midterm
1213514 NO
1265807 NO 7,25 0,25 7,5
1594462 7,25 0,25 7,5
1594479 22,5
1615627 17 5,5 0,5 23
1618492 22,5
1618563 21 6,5 0 27,5
1634218 19,5 7,5 0,5 27,5
1644537 NO SBARR
1644807 NO SBARR 7,5 1 8,5
1647887 23 6,5 0 29,5
1649441 NO 6,5 0 6,5
1662104 NO SBARR
1664996 21,5 5,5 0 27
1665528 23,7 6,5 2 30L
1669443 22,5 8 1,5 30L
1692740 NO 4,75 0,25 5
1693268 NO 4,5 0 4,5
1698443 NO
1702217 NO 8 0,5 8,5
1704459 NO SBARR 7,5 1,5 9
1714107 22,5 7,5 0 30
1717025 NO 7,5 1,5 9
1759664 NO SBARR
1780512 17,5 6,75 0,75 25
1783025 16,5 6 1,5 24
1788005 NO SBARR 5,5 0 5,5
1791743 16 5 1,5 22,5
1793898 NO
1796041 NO SBARR 6 0 6
1797267 NO 5 0 5
1798076 NO NC NC NC
1813340 20,5
1814193 17,5
1820341 21
1822283 NO SBARR 2 0 INSUFF
1822750 7,75 1,25 9
1823544 NO 5 0 5
1823930 22,5
1826973 19,5 6 0 25,5
1828115 NO SBARR
1831174 NO SBARR 6,5 0 6,5
1838538 20
1839520 20,7 5,5 1 27,2
1839521 NO 5,5 1 6,5
1840066 NO SBARR 6,5 0,5 7
1841391 NO SBARR 3 0 INSUFF
1846205 NO 6 0 6
1851282 7,5 0 7,5
1851709 NO 7,5 0,5 8
1852342 16
1857850 17,5
1857980 5 0 5
1860273 21 7,25 0,75 29
1861332 NOSBBARR
1862394 15 7 1 23
1863251 21 6,5 0 27,5
1868786 7 1 8
1869394 17 7,25 0,75 25
1872807 NO SBARR
1872868 NO SBARR 2,5 0 2,5
1872878 NO SMARR 1,5 0 INSUFF
1873323 NO SBARR 4 0 INSUFF
1873464 NO SBARR
1873482 NO 6,5 0 6,5
1874577 NO SBARR 2 0 INSUFF
1874759 NO SBARR
1875349 19,5 4 0,5 24
1875980 NO
1877818 NO SBARR 7,5 0,5 8
1877832 NO 2,5 0 INSUFF
1878073 NO SBARR 6 1 7

  • Below you can find results after the extra May Midterm
  • Screen_Shot_2019-05-10_at_07.34.14.png

  • Screen_Shot_2019-05-10_at_07.34.46.png

    * Screen_Shot_2019-05-10_at_07.35.07.png

    Results after the final are reported below:

    1875349 20+ (final mark 22)
1213514 NO
1265807 NO 22,5 7,25 0,25 30 23,5 27
1594462 7,25 0,25 23
1594479 22,5 7,5 30 28,5 29
1615627 17 23 5,5 0,5 29 27 28
1618492 22,5 7 29,5 28 29
1618563 21 6,5 0 27,5 29,5 29
1634218 19,5 7,5 0,5 27,5 30 29
1644537 NO SBARR
1644807 NO SBARR 7,5 1 18
1647887 23 6,5 0 29,5 30L 30L
1649441 NO 23,5 6,5 0 30 28 29
1662104 NO SBARR 29,5
1664996 21,5 5,5 0 27 30L 29
1665528 23,7 6,5 2 30L 30L 30L
1669443 22,5 8 1,5 30L
1692740 NO 4,75 0,25
1693268 NO 4,5 0
1698443 NO
1702217 NO 23,25 8 0,5 30L 18 24
1704459 NO SBARR 7,5 1,5
1714107 22,5 7,5 0 30 30 30 domanda per la lode
1717025 NO 7,5 1,5
1759664 NO SBARR
1780512 17,5 6,75 0,75 25 26,5 26
1783025 16,5 6 1,5 24
1788005 NO SBARR 14,5 5,5 0 20
1791743 16 5 1,5 22,5 23 23
1793898 NO
1796041 NO SBARR 6 0
1797267 NO 5 0
1813340 20,5 8,5 29 27 28
1814193 17,5 8,5 26 29 28
1820341 21 7,5 28,5 29,5 29
1822283 NO SBARR 2 0
1822750 7,75 1,25
1823544 NO 5 0
1823930 22,5 8 30 29,5 30 domanda per la lode
1826973 19,5 6 0 25,5 25 25
1828115 NO SBARR
1831174 NO SBARR 6,5 0
1838538 20
1839520 20,7 5,5 1 27 29 28
1839521 NO 20,5 5,5 1 27 28,5 28
1840066 NO SBARR 6,5 0,5
1841391 NO SBARR 3 0
1846205 NO 6 0
1851282 7,5 0
1851709 NO 7,5 0,5
1852342 16
1857850 17,5
1857980 14,5 5 0 19,5 26 23
1860273 21 7,25 0,75 29
1861332 NOSBBARR 16 NO
1862394 15 23 7 1 30L
1863251 21 6,5 0 27,5 26 27
1868786 21,5 7 1 29,5
1869394 17 7,25 0,75 25
1872807 NO SBARR
1872868 NO SBARR NO SBARR 2,5 0
1872878 NO SBARR NO SBARR 1,5 0 0,5
1873323 NO SBARR 4 0
1873482 NO 15,5 6,5 0 22 20 21
1874577 NO SBARR NO SBARR 2 0
1874759 NO SBARR
1875349 19,5 4 0,5 24
1877818 NO SBARR 7,5 0,5 28
1877832 NO 2,5 0
1878073 NO SBARR 6 1
1647857 23
1838609 17,5
1645859 16
1659229 27
1816789 18
Second mpart of the exam (June 2019 results)

1647857 30

1852342 28,5

1702247 23,5

1861332 23

1860273 23

1783025 20

1788005 19

1869394 17

1838609 has not passed the exam

First part of the exam (June 2019 results)

1851709 30

1594462 28-29

1851282 27

1659229 27

1662104 25

1816789 has not passed the exam

1874577 has not passed the exam

1828510 has not passed the exam

Complete written exam (June 2019).

The following students have taken separately the first and second part, passing the exam.

1644807: 27 (written exam, first part); 26 (written exam, second part). First part needs to be combined with C++ lab.

1822750: 30 (written exam, first part); 23 (written exam, second part). First part needs to be combined with C++ lab.

The following students have passed the complete exam (final vote is obtained by the following formula: vote of complete exam/30*27+ vote of C++ (normalized).

1698443 25 (final vote including C++ 25)

1388137 23-24 (final vote including C++ 25)

The following students have not passed the exam






















In case the ID has an asterisk * the exam has been badly failed. Students are encouraged to spend some time on the exam as there are fundamental confusions and take the exam not in one week but after studying from scratch.

C++ lab results (June 2019)

Student ID PART I, Lab PART II(Bonus) Total Lab
1659229 7 1.5 8.5
1662104 6 1.5 7.5
1388137 6 1 7
1816789 5.75 0.75 6.5
1861332 5 1 6
1698443 3.75 0.25 4
1828510 3 0.5 3.5
1872868 1.5 0 1.5

FINAL MARKS (for students who have completed all parts of the exam and can register it)

1647887 23 6,5 29,5 31 30L
1665528 23,7 8,5 32,2 31 30L
1649441 23,5 6,5 30 28 3 30L
1714107 22,5 7,5 30 30 30
1823930 22,5 8 30,5 29,5 30
1594479 22,5 7,5 30 28,5 29
1659229 21,6 8,5 30,1 27 29
1664996 21,5 5,5 27 31 29
1618492 22,5 7 29,5 28 29
1618563 21 6,5 27,5 29,5 29
1820341 21 7,5 28,5 29,5 29
1634218 19,5 8 27,5 30 29
1814193 17,5 8,5 26 29 28
1615627 23 6 29 27 28
1839520 20,7 6,5 27,2 29 28
1813340 20,5 8,5 29 27 28
1644807 21,6 8,5 30,1 26 28
1822750 24 9 33 23 28
1702217 23,25 8,5 31,75 23,5 28
1839521 20,5 6,5 27 28,5 28
1594462 22,8 7,5 30,3 23 27
1265807 22,5 7,5 30 23,5 27
1863251 21 6,5 27,5 26 27
1826973 19,5 6 25,5 25 26
1860273 21 8 29 23 26
1780512 17,5 7,5 25 26,5 26
1857980 14,5 5 19,5 26 23
1861332 16 6 22 23 23
1875349 19,5 4,5 24 20,25 23
1791743 16 6,5 22,5 23 23
1852342 16 16 28,5 23
1783025 16,5 7,5 24 20 22
1873482 15,5 6,5 22 20 21
1869394 17 8 25 17 21
1788005 14,5 5,5 20 19 20

Results of July exam (complete votes are reported at the end)

Results of students who needed to pass only the first part of the exam having passed the final

1877818 26

1816789 24

Results of students who needed to pass only the second part of the exam having passed the midterm

1851709 30L

1822750 29-30

1851282 29+

1702217 27

1857850 26-27

1862394 26-27

1838609 25-26

The following students took the complete written exam, passing it

1698443 28-29

1692740 28-29

1828510 22-23

1878073 20-21

1873007 19

1819944 18

The following students did not pass the complete written exam

1874577, 1872878, 1873071, 1822283,1872868, 1877832

Here are the results of the C++ lab (in bold the final mark)

1838609 1.5 0 1.5
1872878 1.5 0 1.5
1828510 2 0 2
1857850 4 0 4
1873007 4 0 4
1698443 4.5 0.5 5
1852342 5.5 0 5.5
1872868 1 0 1
1692740 7.5 1.5 9

The following students have passed the exam (final marks) by July 2019.

1851709 30L
1647887 30L
1647857 30L
1669443 30L
1665528 30L
1649441 30L
1822750 30L
1692740 30
1618492 30
1714107 30
1823930 30
1594479 29
1851282 29
1659229 29
1664996 29
1618563 29
1862394 29
1820341 29
1634218 29
1662104 29
1702217 29
1814193 28
1615627 28
1839520 28
1813340 28
1644807 28
1877818 28
1839521 28
1698443 28
1594462 27
1265807 27
1863251 27
1826973 26
1860273 26
1780512 26
1852342 25
1698443 25
1857850 24
1857980 23
1861332 23
1875349 23
1878073 23
1791743 23
1783025 22
1816789 22
1838609 22
1828510 22
1873482 21
1869394 21
1788005 20
1873007 19

The following student has passed C++

1213514 vote 8,5 (must pass the written exam)

(once you pass the written exam the vote is splitted into a vote for the first part and one for the second part. The first vote is then normalized out of 24 and the C++ vote is added to that to get the final vote on the first part. First and second part votes are averaged).

The following students have completed the written exam

1704459 23-24 (final vote accounting also for C++ exam: 26)

1799271 (not passed, NO SBARR)

After evaluation of the extra projects the following students can register the final vote

1265807 29

1388137 27

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PDFpdf ALBA_18_19_extra_short.pdf r1 manage 4211.3 K 2019-04-20 - 20:45 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf AdHoc_2018_2019-en_compressed.pdf r1 manage 4633.7 K 2019-04-01 - 20:47 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf AdHoc_2018_2019_lesson2_compressed.pdf r1 manage 3269.7 K 2019-04-20 - 20:47 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf Blockchain_Technologies_review.pdf r1 manage 3368.6 K 2019-05-26 - 20:12 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf GSM_2018_2019_part1_compressed.pdf r1 manage 3228.5 K 2019-03-10 - 17:54 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf GSM_2018_2019_part2_compressed.pdf r1 manage 3782.5 K 2019-03-18 - 20:36 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf GSM_2018_2019_part3b_compressed.pdf r1 manage 6700.2 K 2019-03-25 - 21:25 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf HowToReadMaterial_2019.pdf r1 manage 2571.2 K 2019-04-20 - 20:45 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IOTA_masterclass-academic-talk-sapienza-finalv2.pdf r1 manage 6452.9 K 2019-05-26 - 20:11 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf Introduzione1_1_2018_2019_en_lez1_2_compressed.pdf r1 manage 5945.1 K 2019-03-02 - 10:23 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_2018_2019I_Cpp_PartII_compressed.pdf r1 manage 1075.9 K 2019-03-15 - 08:52 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_2018_2019_Cpp_PartI_compressed.pdf r1 manage 1521.8 K 2019-03-07 - 20:08 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_2018_2019_GreenCastaliaPartI_compressed.pdf r1 manage 753.3 K 2019-04-06 - 13:45 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_2018_2019_ReinforcementLearning_compressed.pdf r1 manage 1580.6 K 2019-05-16 - 14:06 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_2018_2019_SystemPerformanceEvaluation_compressed_1.pdf r1 manage 1438.8 K 2019-05-02 - 17:51 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_IntroductionToCpp_PartIII_compressed.pdf r1 manage 1230.4 K 2019-03-21 - 13:37 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_IntroductionToCpp_PartIV_compressed.pdf r1 manage 1370.5 K 2019-03-30 - 11:59 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_IntroductionToCpp_recap_exer_compressed.pdf r1 manage 334.0 K 2019-03-11 - 20:42 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf IoT_Technologies_final.pdf r1 manage 6790.6 K 2019-05-20 - 16:50 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf LoRa_lecture_final.pdf r1 manage 7682.8 K 2019-05-24 - 07:01 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez1.pdf r1 manage 9934.7 K 2019-05-02 - 17:51 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez2_compressed.pdf r1 manage 3744.6 K 2019-05-06 - 11:19 ChiaraPetrioli  
PDFpdf MAC_Routing_for_IoT_18_19_lez3e4_compressed.pdf r1 manage 4488.5 K 2019-05-10 - 15:18 ChiaraPetrioli  
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-05-10_at_07.34.14.png r1 manage 683.9 K 2019-05-10 - 05:36 ChiaraPetrioli  
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-05-10_at_07.34.46.png r1 manage 622.2 K 2019-05-10 - 05:36 ChiaraPetrioli  
PNGpng Screen_Shot_2019-05-10_at_07.35.07.png r1 manage 399.5 K 2019-05-10 - 05:36 ChiaraPetrioli  

This topic: Reti_Avanzate > InternetOfThings1819
Topic revision: r64 - 2020-03-01 - AndreaSterbini
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