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PDFpdf Punteggi_esame.pdf r1 manage 12.7 K 2021-12-11 - 07:21 AlessandraDeVitis Exam total points
PDFpdf Digicomp_edu.pdf r1 manage 75.6 K 2023-12-01 - 13:57 AlessandraDeVitis Lesson 8a: DigCompEdu
PDFpdf Create_a_checklist.pdf r1 manage 114.4 K 2022-01-25 - 09:18 AlessandraDeVitis Checklist
PDFpdf SISTEMI_E_RETI_CLASSE_QUARTA_AS_2023_24_.pdf r1 manage 152.4 K 2023-11-17 - 14:44 AlessandraDeVitis scheme for 4th year program networking
PDFpdf Exam_tips2024.pdf r1 manage 161.1 K 2024-02-18 - 11:39 AlessandraDeVitis Tips for a good exam
PDFpdf _LINEE_GUIDA_TECNICI_.pdf r1 manage 600.2 K 2018-10-13 - 13:58 AlessandraDeVitis Lesson 3 : Guide Lines for Technical School (in Italian)
PDFpdf Siti_giochi.pdf r1 manage 610.1 K 2022-10-21 - 14:59 AlessandraDeVitis List to create games for interactive lessons
PDFpdf Methods_in_Computer_Science_Education.pdf r1 manage 692.9 K 2018-10-02 - 13:37 AlessandraDeVitis Lesson 1:overview
PDFpdf New_Technologies.pdf r1 manage 762.2 K 2019-10-07 - 12:56 AlessandraDeVitis Lesson:new technologies
PDFpdf Competences.pdf r1 manage 839.4 K 2018-10-13 - 14:20 AlessandraDeVitis Knowledge, Skills, Competencies
PDFpdf Electronic_register.pdf r1 manage 886.7 K 2018-12-19 - 16:54 AlessandraDeVitis Electronic Register
PDFpdf linee_guida_per_le_discipline_STEM_-11-25.pdf r1 manage 975.9 K 2023-10-27 - 12:39 AlessandraDeVitis Guide line for STEM
PDFpdf Gamification_and_Games-Based_Learning_-_UGO_VITTI_-2023.pdf r1 manage 1306.1 K 2023-12-01 - 14:21 AlessandraDeVitis Gamification_And_Game_Based_Learning
PDFpdf European_Context.pdf r1 manage 1399.6 K 2018-10-13 - 14:21 AlessandraDeVitis Lesson 3: Knowing, Skill, Competences European Context
PDFpdf Privacy.pdf r2 r1 manage 1747.0 K 2020-11-13 - 15:35 AlessandraDeVitis Privacy.
PDFpdf Arduino.pdf r2 r1 manage 2685.8 K 2019-11-16 - 10:21 AlessandraDeVitis Lesson 5: Arduino.
PDFpdf DigCompEdu_ITA_CNR.pdf r1 manage 3312.8 K 2023-12-01 - 13:56 AlessandraDeVitis Lesson 8: DigComp
Unknown file formatppsx Dr_Abbruzzese_Lecture_2023.ppsx r1 manage 9084.7 K 2023-11-24 - 15:47 AlessandraDeVitis Dr_Abbruzzese_Lecture

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