Python 3.8.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Oct 7 2020, 19:08:05)

Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 7.19.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

In [1]: def MCD(x,y):

   ...: if x == y:

   ...: return x

   ...: elif x < y:

   ...: return MCD( x, y-x)

   ...: else:

   ...: return MCD(x-y, y)


In [2]: MCD(75, 97)

Out[2]: 1

In [3]: MCD(75, 90)

Out[3]: 15

In [4]: from rtrace import *

In [5]: def MCD(x,y):

   ...: if x == y:

   ...: return x

   ...: elif x < y:

   ...: return MCD( x, y-x)

   ...: else:

   ...: return MCD(x-y, y)

In [6]: @trace

   ...: def MCD(x,y):

   ...: if x == y:

   ...: return x

   ...: elif x < y:

   ...: return MCD( x, y-x)

   ...: else:

   ...: return MCD(x-y, y)

In [7]: MCD.trace(75, 90)

------------------- Starting recursion -------------------

entering MCD(75, 90)

|-- entering MCD(75, 15)

|--|-- entering MCD(60, 15)

|--|--|-- entering MCD(45, 15)

|--|--|--|-- entering MCD(30, 15)

|--|--|--|--|-- entering MCD(15, 15)

|--|--|--|--|-- exiting MCD(15, 15) returns 15

|--|--|--|-- exiting MCD(30, 15) returns 15

|--|--|-- exiting MCD(45, 15) returns 15

|--|-- exiting MCD(60, 15) returns 15

|-- exiting MCD(75, 15) returns 15

exiting MCD(75, 90) returns 15

-------------------- Ending recursion --------------------

Num calls: 6

Out[7]: 15

In [8]: def stampa_lista(L):

   ...: if not L: # if len(L) == 0 # if L == []

   ...: pass

   ...: else:

   ...: print(L[0])

   ...: stampa_lista(L[1:])


In [9]: stampa_lista([1,2,3,4,5])






In [10]: @trace

    ...: def stampa_lista(L):

    ...: if not L: # if len(L) == 0 # if L == []

    ...: pass

    ...: else:

    ...: print(L[0])

    ...: stampa_lista(L[1:])

In [11]: stampa_lista([1,2,3,4,5])






In [12]: stampa_lista.trace([1,2,3,4,5])

------------------- Starting recursion -------------------

entering stampa_lista([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],)


|-- entering stampa_lista([2, 3, 4, 5],)


|--|-- entering stampa_lista([3, 4, 5],)


|--|--|-- entering stampa_lista([4, 5],)


|--|--|--|-- entering stampa_lista([5],)


|--|--|--|--|-- entering stampa_lista([],)

|--|--|--|--|-- exiting stampa_lista([],) returns None

|--|--|--|-- exiting stampa_lista([5],) returns None

|--|--|-- exiting stampa_lista([4, 5],) returns None

|--|-- exiting stampa_lista([3, 4, 5],) returns None

|-- exiting stampa_lista([2, 3, 4, 5],) returns None

exiting stampa_lista([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],) returns None

-------------------- Ending recursion --------------------

Num calls: 6

In [13]: @trace

    ...: def stampa_lista_a_rovescio(L):

    ...: if not L: # if len(L) == 0 # if L == []

    ...: pass

    ...: else:

    ...: stampa_lista(L[1:])

    ...: print(L[0])


In [14]: stampa_lista([1,2,3,4,5])






In [15]: @trace

    ...: def stampa_lista_a_rovescio(L):

    ...: if not L: # if len(L) == 0 # if L == []

    ...: pass

    ...: else:

    ...: stampa_lista_a_rovescio(L[1:])

    ...: print(L[0])

In [16]: stampa_lista_a_rovescio([1,2,3,4,5])






In [17]: def cerca_file

File "<ipython-input-17-ca9658955ef2>", line 1

def cerca_file


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

In [18]: def cerca_file

File "<ipython-input-18-ca9658955ef2>", line 1

def cerca_file


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

In [19]: import os

    ...: def cerca_file(D, ext):

    ...: os.list


In [20]: import os

    ...: def cerca_file(D, ext):

    ...: os.listdir(D)


In [21]: os.listdir('.')

Out[21]: ['__pycache__', '', '']

In [22]: import os

    ...: def cerca_file(D, ext):

    ...: for name in os.listdir(D):

    ...: fullname = os.path.join(D,name) # Linux '/' Windows '\' OsX '/'

    ...: fullname = D + '/' + name

    ...: if os.path.isfile(fullname):

    ...: if name.split('.')[-1] == ext:

    ...: print(fullname)

    ...: else:

    ...: cerca_file(fullname, ext)


In [23]: cerca_file('.','py')



In [24]: cerca_file('.','pyc')


In [25]: import os

    ...: def dimensioni_file(D, ext, dizio=None):

    ...: "torniamo un dizionario 'nome_file' -> dimensione solo dei file con una certa estensione"

    ...: if dizio is None:

    ...: dizio = {}

    ...: for name in os.listdir(D):

    ...: fullname = os.path.join(D,name) # Linux '/' Windows '\' OsX '/'

    ...: fullname = D + '/' + name

    ...: if os.path.isfile(fullname):

    ...: if name.split('.')[-1] == ext:

    ...: print(os.stat(fullname))

    ...: else:

    ...: dimensioni_file(fullname, ext, dizio)


In [26]: dimensioni_file('.','py')

os.stat_result(st_mode=33277, st_ino=15891655, st_dev=2051, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000, st_gid=1000, st_size=671, st_atime=1606212612, st_mtime=1606212611, st_ctime=1606212611)

os.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=15891653, st_dev=2051, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000, st_gid=1000, st_size=1563, st_atime=1606210537, st_mtime=1605819740, st_ctime=1606210523)

In [27]: import os

    ...: def dimensioni_file(D, ext, dizio=None):

    ...: "torniamo un dizionario 'nome_file' -> dimensione solo dei file con una certa estensione"

    ...: if dizio is None:

    ...: dizio = {}

    ...: for name in os.listdir(D):

    ...: fullname = os.path.join(D,name) # Linux '/' Windows '\' OsX '/'

    ...: fullname = D + '/' + name

    ...: if os.path.isfile(fullname):

    ...: if name.split('.')[-1] == ext:

    ...: dizio[fullname] = os.stat(fullname).st_size

    ...: else:

    ...: return dimensioni_file(fullname, ext, dizio)

In [28]: import os

    ...: def dimensioni_file(D, ext, dizio=None):

    ...: "torniamo un dizionario 'nome_file' -> dimensione solo dei file con una certa estensione"

    ...: if dizio is None:

    ...: dizio = {}

    ...: for name in os.listdir(D):

    ...: fullname = os.path.join(D,name) # Linux '/' Windows '\' OsX '/'

    ...: fullname = D + '/' + name

    ...: if os.path.isfile(fullname):

    ...: if name.split('.')[-1] == ext:

    ...: dizio[fullname] = os.stat(fullname).st_size

    ...: else:

    ...: return dimensioni_file(fullname, ext, dizio)

    ...: return dizio


In [29]: dimensioni_file('.','py')

Out[29]: {}

In [30]: import os

    ...: def dimensioni_file(D, ext, dizio=None):

    ...: "torniamo un dizionario 'nome_file' -> dimensione solo dei file con una certa estensione"

    ...: if dizio is None:

    ...: dizio = {}

    ...: for name in os.listdir(D):

    ...: fullname = os.path.join(D,name) # Linux '/' Windows '\' OsX '/'

    ...: fullname = D + '/' + name

    ...: if os.path.isfile(fullname):

    ...: if name.split('.')[-1] == ext:

    ...: dizio[fullname] = os.stat(fullname).st_size

    ...: else:

    ...: return dimensioni_file(fullname, ext, dizio)

    ...: return dizio


In [31]: dimensioni_file('.','py')

Out[31]: {}

In [32]: debugfile('/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/', wdir='/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20')

Reloaded modules: rtrace

> /home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/<module>()

1 #!/usr/bin/env python3

2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

----> 3 """

4 Created on Tue Nov 24 10:32:45 2020


ipdb> continue

> /home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/

40 def dimensioni_file(D, ext, dizio=None):

41 "torniamo un dizionario 'nome_file' -> dimensione solo dei file con una certa estensione"

11-> 42 if dizio is None:

43 dizio = {}

44 for name in os.listdir(D):




In [33]: import os

    ...: def dimensioni_file(D, ext, dizio=None):

    ...: "torniamo un dizionario 'nome_file' -> dimensione solo dei file con una certa estensione"

    ...: if dizio is None:

    ...: dizio = {}

    ...: for name in os.listdir(D):

    ...: fullname = os.path.join(D,name) # Linux '/' Windows '\' OsX '/'

    ...: fullname = D + '/' + name

    ...: if os.path.isfile(fullname):

    ...: if name.split('.')[-1] == ext:

    ...: dizio[fullname] = os.stat(fullname).st_size

    ...: else:

    ...: dizio = dimensioni_file(fullname, ext, dizio)

    ...: return dizio


In [34]: dimensioni_file('.','py')

Out[34]: {'./': 1257, './': 1563}

In [35]: def merge(L1, L2):

    ...: # caso base, controllo se le liste sono vuote

    ...: if not L1: return L2

    ...: #if not L2: return L1

    ...: # inserisco un invariante per stare sul sicuro

    ...: assert len(L1)>0 and len(L2)>0, "una delle due liste è vuota"

    ...: # sono sicuro che esistano due primi elementi

    ...: A = L1[0]

    ...: B = L2[0]

    ...: if A < B:

    ...: # torno il valore A seguito dal merge del resto di L1 e di L2

    ...: return [A] + merge(L1[1:], L2)

    ...: else:

    ...: return [B] + merge(L1, L2[1:])


In [36]: L1 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

In [37]: L2 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

In [38]: merge(L1, L2)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<ipython-input-38-e75ad75fba81>", line 1, in <module>

merge(L1, L2)

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 14, in merge

return [B] + merge(L1, L2[1:])

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 12, in merge

return [A] + merge(L1[1:], L2)

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 14, in merge

return [B] + merge(L1, L2[1:])

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 12, in merge

return [A] + merge(L1[1:], L2)

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 14, in merge

return [B] + merge(L1, L2[1:])

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 12, in merge

return [A] + merge(L1[1:], L2)

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 14, in merge

return [B] + merge(L1, L2[1:])

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 12, in merge

return [A] + merge(L1[1:], L2)

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 14, in merge

return [B] + merge(L1, L2[1:])

File "<ipython-input-35-38b80b89071b>", line 6, in merge

assert len(L1)>0 and len(L2)>0, "una delle due liste è vuota"

AssertionError: una delle due liste è vuota

In [39]: def merge(L1, L2):

    ...: # caso base, controllo se le liste sono vuote

    ...: if not L1: return L2

    ...: if not L2: return L1

    ...: # inserisco un invariante per stare sul sicuro

    ...: assert len(L1)>0 and len(L2)>0, "una delle due liste è vuota"

    ...: # sono sicuro che esistano due primi elementi

    ...: A = L1[0]

    ...: B = L2[0]

    ...: if A < B:

    ...: # torno il valore A seguito dal merge del resto di L1 e di L2

    ...: return [A] + merge(L1[1:], L2)

    ...: else:

    ...: return [B] + merge(L1, L2[1:])


In [40]: merge(L1, L2)

Out[40]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

In [41]: @trace

    ...: def merge(L1, L2):

    ...: # caso base, controllo se le liste sono vuote

    ...: if not L1: return L2

    ...: if not L2: return L1

    ...: # inserisco un invariante per stare sul sicuro

    ...: assert len(L1)>0 and len(L2)>0, "una delle due liste è vuota"

    ...: # sono sicuro che esistano due primi elementi

    ...: A = L1[0]

    ...: B = L2[0]

    ...: if A < B:

    ...: # torno il valore A seguito dal merge del resto di L1 e di L2

    ...: return [A] + merge(L1[1:], L2)

    ...: else:

    ...: return [B] + merge(L1, L2[1:])

In [42]: merge.trace(L1, L2)

------------------- Starting recursion -------------------

entering merge([2, 4, 6, 8, 10], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9])

|-- entering merge([2, 4, 6, 8, 10], [3, 5, 7, 9])

|--|-- entering merge([4, 6, 8, 10], [3, 5, 7, 9])

|--|--|-- entering merge([4, 6, 8, 10], [5, 7, 9])

|--|--|--|-- entering merge([6, 8, 10], [5, 7, 9])

|--|--|--|--|-- entering merge([6, 8, 10], [7, 9])

|--|--|--|--|--|-- entering merge([8, 10], [7, 9])

|--|--|--|--|--|--|-- entering merge([8, 10], [9])

|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|-- entering merge([10], [9])

|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|-- entering merge([10], [])

|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|-- exiting merge([10], []) returns [10]

|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|-- exiting merge([10], [9]) returns [9, 10]

|--|--|--|--|--|--|-- exiting merge([8, 10], [9]) returns [8, 9, 10]

|--|--|--|--|--|-- exiting merge([8, 10], [7, 9]) returns [7, 8, 9, 10]

|--|--|--|--|-- exiting merge([6, 8, 10], [7, 9]) returns [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

|--|--|--|-- exiting merge([6, 8, 10], [5, 7, 9]) returns [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

|--|--|-- exiting merge([4, 6, 8, 10], [5, 7, 9]) returns [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

|--|-- exiting merge([4, 6, 8, 10], [3, 5, 7, 9]) returns [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

|-- exiting merge([2, 4, 6, 8, 10], [3, 5, 7, 9]) returns [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

exiting merge([2, 4, 6, 8, 10], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

-------------------- Ending recursion --------------------

Num calls: 10

Out[42]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

In [43]: from random import choices

In [44]: A = choices(range(0, 1000), k=30)

In [45]: A
































In [46]: %pprint

Pretty printing has been turned OFF

In [47]: A

Out[47]: [726, 575, 893, 180, 881, 685, 354, 689, 890, 425, 919, 428, 72, 674, 934, 857, 760, 850, 838, 905, 32, 538, 11, 587, 522, 128, 630, 356, 894, 727]

In [48]: from lezione15 import *

In [49]: mergesort(A)

Out[49]: [11, 32, 72, 128, 180, 354, 356, 425, 428, 522, 538, 575, 587, 630, 674, 685, 689, 726, 727, 760, 838, 850, 857, 881, 890, 893, 894, 905, 919, 934]

In [50]: import importlib

In [51]: importlib.reload(lezione15)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<ipython-input-51-113e10460fb2>", line 1, in <module>


NameError: name 'lezione15' is not defined

In [52]: import lezione15

In [53]: A = [ -56, -90, 45, 81, -32 ]

In [54]: lezione15.mergesort.trace(A)

------------------- Starting recursion -------------------

entering mergesort([-56, -90, 45, 81, -32],)

|-- entering mergesort([-56, -90],)

|--|-- entering mergesort([-56],)

|--|-- exiting mergesort([-56],) returns [-56]

|--|-- entering mergesort([-90],)

|--|-- exiting mergesort([-90],) returns [-90]

|-- exiting mergesort([-56, -90],) returns [-90, -56]

|-- entering mergesort([45, 81, -32],)

|--|-- entering mergesort([45],)

|--|-- exiting mergesort([45],) returns [45]

|--|-- entering mergesort([81, -32],)

|--|--|-- entering mergesort([81],)

|--|--|-- exiting mergesort([81],) returns [81]

|--|--|-- entering mergesort([-32],)

|--|--|-- exiting mergesort([-32],) returns [-32]

|--|-- exiting mergesort([81, -32],) returns [-32, 81]

|-- exiting mergesort([45, 81, -32],) returns [-32, 45, 81]

exiting mergesort([-56, -90, 45, 81, -32],) returns [-90, -56, -32, 45, 81]

-------------------- Ending recursion --------------------

Num calls: 9

Out[54]: [-90, -56, -32, 45, 81]

In [55]: import fsnode

In [56]: fsnode.FSNode('.', False)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<ipython-input-56-370869468251>", line 1, in <module>

fsnode.FSNode('.', False)

File "/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/", line 20, in __init__

self.content = esplora_dir(filename)

File "/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/", line 39, in esplora_dir

D = FSNode(fullname, False) # creo l'oggetto per la directory

File "/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/", line 20, in __init__

self.content = esplora_dir(filename)

File "/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/", line 36, in esplora_dir

F = FSNode(fullname, True) # creo l'oggeto per il file

File "/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/", line 18, in __init__

self.content =

File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/F20/lib/python3.8/", line 322, in decode

(result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe3 in position 16: invalid continuation byte

In [57]: importlib.reload(fsnode)

Out[57]: <module 'fsnode' from '/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/'>

In [58]: fsnode.FSNode('.', False)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/opt/anaconda3/envs/F20/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 693, in __call__

return repr(obj)

File "/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/", line 27, in __repr__

risultato += '\n\t' + f

TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "FSNode") to str

In [59]: importlib.reload(fsnode)

Out[59]: <module 'fsnode' from '/home/andrea/Documents/Uni/Didattica/Prog1/2020-21/Lezioni/lezione15-24-11-20/'>

In [60]: fsnode.FSNode('.', False)


FSNode(., False)

FSNode(./__pycache__, False)

FSNode(./__pycache__/rtrace.cpython-38.pyc, True)

FSNode(./__pycache__/fsnode.cpython-38.pyc, True)

FSNode(./__pycache__/lezione15.cpython-38.pyc, True)

FSNode(./, True)

FSNode(./, True)

FSNode(./, True)

In [61]: