00:44:22 Alessandro vecchi: We should add capital vowels in the defs 00:48:21 Carlo Giuseppe Tomazzoli: This is what I thought might generate "desirable" random letters: 00:48:24 Carlo Giuseppe Tomazzoli: letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" def random_letter(): yield letters[random.randint(0, len(letters) - 1)] print(next(random_letter())) 00:49:04 Davide Marincione: then we could use random.choice() 00:59:27 Alessandro vecchi: exactly 01:04:54 Davide Marincione: Anyway- just for completeness… I've solved the problem: def count_vows_cons(string, index = 0): length = len(string) if index < length - 1: vowels, consonants = count_vows_cons(string, index + 1) else: vowels = consonants = 0 if index < length: if string[index] in 'aeiou': vowels += 1 else: consonants += 1 return vowels, consonants 01:06:33 Yigit Oztekin: w 01:06:53 Yigit Oztekin: will we use libraries in the future homeworks or exams? 01:09:01 benjamin barda: what doea it mean absolute path ? 01:15:10 benjamin barda: understood thank you very much 01:17:09 Davide Marincione: can we do something like *.txt to get all the files of that extension? 01:17:58 Davide Marincione: Not opening, but getting a list of all files 01:18:24 Davide Marincione: I was wondering if there was a function like that (I am pretty sure there is) 01:18:55 Davide Marincione: Ok 01:27:20 Stefano Colonnelli: does the os lib runs an instance of a terminal? 01:32:27 Davide Marincione: That could be seriously dangerous to the safety of the user's system- I hope not 01:32:35 Angelo Spognardi: of course 01:39:58 benjamin barda: can i concatenate .. to go back multiple directory in a single pathname ? 01:41:42 benjamin barda: yep thnak you 01:42:27 benjamin barda: in windows can i go to a diffrent diskc ? 01:44:02 benjamin barda: how come there a no restrictions to this ... looks like its really dangerous 01:45:03 benjamin barda: yes yes 01:45:06 benjamin barda: :) 01:47:56 Ginevra Cepparulo: how are files distinguished from directories I mean how do the functions isfile and isdir work? 01:48:51 Carlo Giuseppe Tomazzoli: In UNIX systems a directory is actually a file (anything is, basically). Could it be that a directory is a file with additional children, files? 01:50:12 Davide Marincione: going to list_files_recursively('c:/') goodbye 01:51:14 benjamin barda: how do we deal with folder shortcuts ? 01:51:26 Ginevra Cepparulo: Okk thank you 01:56:40 benjamin barda: no 01:56:46 benjamin barda: in folder where we started 02:07:15 benjamin barda: maybe backslash ? 02:20:29 simone cargnin: where we can find the code? 02:20:35 simone cargnin: *can we 02:20:38 Angelo Spognardi: W2I9GUCA 02:22:15 Alessio Borgi: As regards the exam. It is definitely changed the first date to 22th of January? 02:22:41 Alessio Borgi: Oh ok thank you 02:24:03 Francesco Danese: sir this opis code is just for programming lab or both programming and p. lab? 02:35:43 Federica Valeau: Are we going to talk about nodes as well today? 02:38:10 Franciszek Ciecholewski: Sir I'm afraid I can't hear You 02:38:17 Federica Valeau: I can 02:38:21 Alessio Borgi: I can 02:38:43 Davide Marincione: Yeah 02:38:46 Davide Marincione: It's fine 02:38:54 Angelo Spognardi: Franciszek can you hear me? 02:39:07 Franciszek Ciecholewski: no 02:39:24 simone cargnin: restart zoom 02:39:30 simone cargnin: maybe it work 02:48:02 benjamin barda: i think there is an error in the indentation 02:49:42 Alessandro vecchi: Sorry prof I got distracted for a moment..what’s .stat? 02:50:20 Alessandro vecchi: Okok thanks 02:55:03 benjamin barda: first i would calcuate the depth of the tree 02:55:06 Gabriele Scognamiglio: Is it possible that in the exam we have to use random? 02:55:09 benjamin barda: from the number of nodes 03:00:11 Francesco Danese: on the Leaves so 03:00:31 Francesco Danese: oy yes 03:03:11 simone cargnin: opposite of randint 03:04:56 Carlo Giuseppe Tomazzoli: Thank you, have a good weekend all. 03:04:59 Maria Emilia Russo: thank you, bye! 03:05:05 simone cargnin: bye 03:05:13 Andrea Caminiti: Thank you, bye! 03:05:21 Alessio Borgi: Thank you, bye 03:05:44 Emanuele Segatori: Thanks, bye