00:31:29 Dario Loi: yes 00:34:34 Emanuele Segatori: can two side of different color be one next to another? and overlap right next the vertices? 00:35:19 Emanuele Segatori: ok 00:47:20 Francesco Danese: repr 00:47:24 Dario Loi: you have to overload __repr__ 00:47:34 Dario Loi: return __str__ 00:49:43 Davide Marincione: We haven't defined __eq__ 00:51:29 Massimiliano Pappadia: it will be true 00:53:01 Davide Marincione: Numbers until 255 if I remember correctly 00:53:24 Massimiliano Pappadia: well damn. 00:53:27 Davide Marincione: Same thing with None 01:02:10 Davide Marincione: We have to define __gr__? 01:08:59 Francesco Danese: sorry sir 01:09:22 Francesco Danese: in __lt__ we can just recall NOT __gr__ 01:09:43 Francesco Danese: __lt__(): return not __gt__ 01:10:21 Emanuele Segatori: the distance from hte origin? 01:21:19 Paolo Gigliesi: again with distance_from 01:21:27 Jacopo Strinati: Maybe we could compare the diagonals? 01:22:58 yusupha juwara: we could compare their areas and perimeters 01:27:15 simone cargnin: we append the tuples of cordinates of the points and see if the leght is one 01:27:22 simone cargnin: *lenght 01:27:37 Gabriele Scognamiglio: What if we compare if the perimeter and area and p1.distance_from(p4) and p1.distance_from(p2) are the same 01:27:48 simone cargnin: if lenght is four if we put all the vertices 01:27:55 Nicholas Tiveron: We should check if any two adjacent sides have the same length 01:28:30 Paolo Gigliesi: Maybe we can look for the slope of the diagonal? 01:29:13 simone cargnin: in a set actually 01:29:15 yusupha juwara: first, we have to define exactly what we want to compare 01:29:25 simone cargnin: len 4 01:29:27 simone cargnin: len 4 01:30:42 Nicholas Tiveron: I meant separately. So if a1 = a2 and b1 = b2 then the rectangles are the same (a and b are adjacent) 01:33:35 Nicholas Tiveron: But could we check the distance between two points A and B and the distance between B and C for the two rectangles (and the distances would be the length of the sides)? 01:34:50 Ginevra Cepparulo: Yes but the rectangles could be in any point in space 01:35:23 Ginevra Cepparulo: to nicholas 01:35:42 Nicholas Tiveron: Ok thanks 01:37:14 simone cargnin: if area is less 01:41:54 Emanuele Segatori: no,no, continue please 01:43:39 Paolo Gigliesi: max(l, key=abs(p.x))? 01:44:14 Davide Marincione: maybe with a lambda Paolo? 01:48:39 Ginevra Cepparulo: min of absolute value of the x of all the points 01:49:00 Francesco Danese: max of abs value of x of all the points 02:06:26 simone cargnin: yess 02:06:32 simone cargnin: some guide lines 02:11:47 simone cargnin: yes 02:15:11 Ginevra Cepparulo: Add the surface 02:21:28 simone cargnin: intersection? 02:29:39 Alessio Borgi: I think that also in the hw6 there is the old version of images right? 02:37:19 Gabriele Scognamiglio: Dimensions 02:40:00 Davide Marincione: for _ in range(height) maybe? 02:48:31 Davide Marincione: a color we give 02:48:48 Davide Marincione: So input (x,y,col) 02:48:58 Davide Marincione: Oh right 02:49:05 Davide Marincione: We are importing points 02:49:25 Davide Marincione: Check if it's out of bounds 02:49:45 Paolo Gigliesi: if we have also int of coordinates 02:57:09 Carlo Giuseppe Tomazzoli: Thanks, bye. 02:57:59 Stefano Colonnelli: Is there any naming convention for classes and method in classes like in Java? I am used to camelcase but it seems like in python is completely different 02:58:01 Davide di Trocchio: bye 02:58:13 Asma Khanam Nishy: bye 02:58:15 Davide di Trocchio: Stefano check pep8 02:59:10 Davide Marincione: maybe use Flake8? 02:59:14 Stefano Colonnelli: nice thank you :) 02:59:24 Carlo Giuseppe Tomazzoli: It's a linter. 02:59:28 Davide Marincione: it should be a linter 02:59:32 Davide Marincione: For python 02:59:54 Emanuele Segatori: i'll send an email with the code, is it ok? 02:59:59 Emanuele Segatori: for the import error 03:00:10 Carlo Giuseppe Tomazzoli: You're in a hurry. Thanks for the lecture, bye! 03:00:40 Paolo Gigliesi: Thank you, bye! 03:00:43 dennis locatelli: bye 03:00:49 Ginevra Cepparulo: bye thank you 03:00:51 Nicholas Tiveron: Bye! 03:00:51 Davide Marincione: Well anyway, bye! 03:00:53 Reeva Gulzar: Thankyou.bye!