00:19:28 Andry R.: tuple of R G B 00:25:51 Paolo Gigliesi: all the rows of a given column 00:25:55 benjamin barda: change a row 00:25:56 Paolo Gigliesi: for a vertical line 00:29:04 Alessio Borgi: Sorry I don't have the "visd". Is there a way to add these function? 00:29:07 Yigit Oztekin: isn't that a bit thick for just one pixel 00:29:22 Alessandro vecchi: Sorry prof but where can we find ‘images’? 00:31:00 benjamin barda: HW5 folder 00:31:56 Alessio Borgi: Yea but there are only "load", "png" and "save" 00:34:47 Dario Loi: turn every pixel with the same column number to red 00:35:33 Alessandro vecchi: Sorry prof but I get an ‘AttributeError: module 'images' has no attribute 'visd’’ 00:36:31 Alessio Borgi: Try to open the file on spyder and run it 00:37:48 Alessandro vecchi: Got it 00:43:16 dennis locatelli: for y in row :for x in column: imm[y][x]=red 00:43:43 benjamin barda: maybe a turtlelike approach 00:43:46 dennis locatelli: i forgot the range()* 00:46:55 benjamin barda: for x in range(row,row+size): 00:49:54 dennis locatelli: index error 00:50:56 Alessio Borgi: Figures now render in the Plots pane by default. To make them also appear inline in the Console, uncheck "Mute Inline Plotting" under the Plots pane options menu. 00:51:03 Alessio Borgi: I've this problem 00:51:08 Alessio Borgi: When I visualize 00:51:43 Andry R.: There should be a 'Plot' pane, near Variable explorer and FIle explorer and help 00:51:44 Stefano Colonnelli: on spyder go on the top right zone of the ide 00:51:56 Stefano Colonnelli: and click on "Plots" near "Variable explorer" 00:53:31 Alessio Borgi: Oh yea thank you 00:55:55 benjamin barda: yep 00:56:19 Davide Marincione: Oh well, I managed to create an image that could be used in some album 00:56:53 benjamin barda: we could cheat and draw a square two pixel smaller in all dierction and of color black 00:56:58 Ginevra Cepparulo: The step must be size 00:57:04 benjamin barda: or draw each line separatly 01:00:15 federica bruni: Maybe we could do-> if x= column or x= last_col: for y in range(row, row+size): imm[y][x]=red 01:01:23 Davide Marincione: # Top and bottom bordersfor indx in range(row, row + size + 1): matrix[column][indx] = matrix[column+size][indx] = color # Left and right borders for indx in range(column+1, column + size): matrix[indx][row] = matrix[indx][row + size] = color 01:01:37 Davide Marincione: oof wrong formatting 01:02:08 Paolo Gigliesi: only first and last one 01:02:56 federica bruni: yess 01:06:14 Alessio Olivieri: i have a question, how do i import the custom library? 01:06:31 Alessio Olivieri: img 01:06:35 Alessio Olivieri: and imgmatrix 01:07:40 Alessio Olivieri: mmm but where shoul i put the library? 01:08:04 Alessio Borgi: On the same folder 01:08:56 Alessio Olivieri: okkey thanks 01:21:41 benjamin barda: i think you are muted sir 01:27:22 Yigit Oztekin: are there solutions for them 01:28:38 Davide Marincione: And Python's documentation… right? 01:29:05 Francesco Danese: sorry, during the exams we can't use paper and pen? 01:29:15 Alessio Olivieri: i dontt think documentation 01:29:32 Alessandro Bellia: What if I brutally fail doing this in 20 minutes? 01:31:36 benjamin barda: in the exam there are bonuses like in the homework ? 01:31:58 Davide di Trocchio: What about documentation? How can we consult it while doing the exam? 01:32:41 Davide di Trocchio: Perfect 01:43:05 benjamin barda: first i woukd try to find the border 01:43:55 Alessio Borgi: Yes 01:43:57 Stefano Colonnelli: yes 01:49:43 Alessio Borgi: For Neighbours you mean only the one around the pixel? They are 8 right? 01:50:24 Alessio Borgi: Perfect 01:59:24 benjamin barda: we can do to check all the neighbor a function like for i in range(x-1,x+2): for j in range(y-1,y+2): 01:59:45 benjamin barda: like a generator one 02:03:26 Oleksandr Prusakovskyy: had to be > 0 02:05:59 Alessio Borgi: Thank you bye 02:06:01 Paolo Gigliesi: Thank you, bye 02:06:02 Nicholas Tiveron: Thank you, bye! 02:06:05 Alessandro vecchi: Thanks bye 02:06:05 Davide Marincione: Thanks bye! 02:06:07 Martina Fasiello: thank you, bye 02:06:10 Maria Emilia Russo: Thank you, bye 02:06:11 Davide Loriga: bye bye 02:06:14 Iliyas Alimzhan: Thank you good bye! 02:06:19 dennis locatelli: bye 02:06:21 Giuseppina Iannotti: thanks,bye 02:06:22 Stefano Colonnelli: bye :) 02:06:25 Franciszek Ciecholewski: bye